Dear Investor,

Just wanted to mention that you still have an opportunity to make money for just installing a banner or sending emails to your list, you don’t even have to own the software to participate.

Start Making Up To 50% Commissions On Products You Sell! We Pay You For Every Sale You Make Plus You Will Receive All The Marketing Tools You Will Need In One Convenient Location.

Again, you can earn money 24/7 without having to “sell” anything; just let our banners do the work on your website, or send emails that we have already prepared for you. These emails should be used as they are, but you are welcome to modify them if you like.

To start earning money today, Sign in, Sign up, and get started making money at:

Click here to sign up

Visit for full privacy policy, terms of use, etc.  Be sure to contact us through the website at if you have questions or concerns ([email protected]).  Results mentioned in this presentation and any video, article, and/or material related to Dave Dinkel and his associated businesses are not typical nor are a guarantee of any earning potential.  No advice is to be construed as legal, accounting, or professional advice EVER.  Please consult related licensed and qualified professionals before taking any action.  No person(s) mentioned in the articles and /or shown on videos received compensation in any form for their opinions.

“A good coach can change a game, a great coach can change a life.” – John Wooden