Testimonials For The

Dave Dinkel Real Estate Mentoring Program

Dave Dinkel Real Estate Mentoring Program

Below written testimonials were given to a discussion page on that you can view here.

Disclosure: Former mentor student.

You asked for feedback from investors who know or have experience working with Dave. Working with Dave and the DREIA team was a great experience. Love that crew. If you attend one of their events, you’ll see that a lot of people feel the same way. I am proud and honored to call the DREIA team my friends and colleagues. Dave and I still partner on deals and refer deals to one another. He’s a class act, as you can see by his tactful response in this thread. I owe a lot of my success to the DREIA team, their mentoring program, and their events. 

With regards to their program, I think making a lot of blind offers and using an algorithm to pick the offer price is just barely scratching the surface. I think every investor would agree that it takes a lot more than that to get and close a deal. For a lot of newbies, fear and lack of knowledge prevents them from really jumping in head first. In this business, experience is the best teacher, and Dave’s program, at first, is all about simplifying, letting go of your fears, and just DOING. Just being comfortable making offers and following up on them is the first step…The algorithm just prevents newbies from getting bogged down in trying to find the “perfect” offer price. The blind offers just allows them to get more “follow up” experience faster than they would if they were driving to each and every property before making an offer. Over time, students gain more experience and develop their own style, and they refine the process into one that works best for them with the help of Dave & the DREIA team. My process, while using the same core principles taught by Dave, looks drastically different than it did when I started the program. I no longer use an algorithm to pick my offer prices – that’s just one example.

And making offers and following up on them isn’t even half the battle…You also have to hone your negotiating skills….Understand the details of contracting…Learn how to build a buyer’s list and market your property….And know how to deal with the myriad of issues and challenges that arise during the process of closing on a distressed property…In my opinion, this is where Dave & team’s mentoring really shines. All of these skills are best learned through experience, and not only does Dave & his team have that in spades, but they continue to pile on that experience through the high volume of deals they are involved in day in and day out. Can you learn all of this on your own? Sure! But you will learn it so much faster working with people who already have that experience.

Mentoring programs don’t work for everyone – ultimately, you have to really want it and be willing to put in the work – no mentoring program can give you that. If you have no idea how to get started, and want someone to tell you what to do, a mentor program can help. If you know what you need to do, but you’re kind of paralyzed by fear because you aren’t sure whether you are doing it exactly right, a mentor can be the safety blanket you might need to take the leap. Once you get over that and start getting deals, being able to pick up the phone and call a team of investors each with dozens of years of experience can be invaluable when issues arise that might kill your deal. Dave alone has been investing in real estate in South Florida longer than many people on this thread have been alive.

Hope this longwinded response was helpful to you and others who might consider DREIA’s program, and mentor programs in general.

Best of luck in your journey!

Lucas Machado

Disclosure: Mentor student

I’m in the South Florida market and I’m one of Dave’s mentors and I absolutely vouch for the program. Information is accurate but more importantly in my opinion is Implementation. That’s where the real value lies. On my first deal, Dave offered to conference in on the phone with me and the seller. I can go by the office any time and the program has helped to sell each one of my 6 deals. It’s an excellent program.

Calvin Thurston

Disclosure: Mentor student

I’m in the South Florida market and I’m one of Dave’s mentors and I absolutely vouch for the program. Information is accurate but more importantly in my opinion is Implementation. That’s where the real value lies. On my first deal, Dave offered to conference in on the phone with me and the seller. I can go by the office any time and the program has helped to sell each one of my 6 deals. It’s an excellent program.

Calvin Thurston

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