“I knew I needed someone. I needed help. I needed someone who had more wisdom than me, someone who had experience….I advise anyone to get a mentor so it can save you the mistakes. You always have somebody you can call and say, “Hey look, here’s what you do.” It’s a wise investment, best decision to make.”
real estate investing commitment

Click above to watch the video or read below for the transcript

Dave – “I’m Dave Dinkel. Today we are going to review the student’s first $100,000 net profit month having done two no money double closings. The question of the day is very simple – ‘Would you risk homelessness to jump into real estate investing?’”

Aaron – “How you doing?”

Dave – “I’m doing great, how about you?”

Aaron – “I know, I know, I know. I’m a little dark chocolate. Can you see me though?”

Dave – “I see you; I see you. I hear you.”

Aaron – “How you doing?”

Dave – “Everything good?”

Aaron – “Yah, everything good. You know I supposed to, hopefully everything goes well. I got to another deal coming through. It should close in November after Thanksgiving probably for $48,000. So it’s another one. This will be two months in a row, you know?”

Dave – “First of all, I don’t want you to say anything that your uncomfortable saying about where you find your deals or anything else. You mostly do door knocking, correct?”

Aaron – “Yes.”

Dave – “Okay. Do you look for people that have, that should be motivated sellers or you just door knock?”

Aaron – “No, I’ve got a target. I target motivated sellers.”

Dave – “Okay.”

Aaron – “I don’t want to waste time just knocking on doors because people are not motivated.

Dave- “When you came in the program, one of the things we do is we try and get you to make cold calls. You worked on that, but you weren’t all that comfortable with it, right?”

Aaron- “Yes. With the agents I did it, I did it, but it wasn’t it really too much good for me with the agents. You know it didn’t work too well, you know, but so I get a little frustrated just by you know a lot of wrong numbers dealing with sellers when you call. So I just say no, let me just go knock on the door, you know. But with agents I can talk to agents, I can talk to agents. I have you know a couple of deals with agents. I could talk to anybody. It’s just contacting them. The frustration of wrong numbers and you got the address right in front of you. So you have a choice to call all the numbers or go see the address from the previous address or the current addresses, like that.”

Dave – “Well what I love frankly is that I get a call from you, and you got another deal and you closed it and so on and so forth. And the last one you called me on, I don’t know, a week and a half ago I guess was your biggest one yet which was $56,000 or $57,000?”

Aaron – “$57,000.”

Dave – “Okay. You feel comfortable talking about what the circumstances were behind that?”

Aaron – “Yes, the situation was I knocked on the door and the person didn’t want to sell their house who I knocked on their door right at the time. They didn’t want to sell the house, their house. And so I said to them, ‘If you know anybody, I’m buying properties in the neighborhood. If you know anybody that wants to sell. Please have him give me a call and I give you a referral fee.” And when I said referral fee the young lady says, ‘Yes, I know somebody that wants to sell. She really wants to sell. But she’s in the hospital – like a rehab facility. She was kind of ill.’ So I say, ‘You know just give them my information.’ So her Auntie worked in the facility. So she contacted her Auntie. I got her Auntie’s number. I talked to her. Lady’s name was Shirley. We still talk today. You can talk to all my sellers afterwards too. And we talked and she was telling me why she wanted to sell the property. It is a bad situation, real bad situation. She was almost, she was on her deathbed her daughter thought at least. And her daughter made a video, posted on Facebook saying all type of hard things about her mother and everything and this was one of the reasons why she wanted to sell. She didn’t want to just go and leave her property to her daughter and knowing that her daughter been mistreating her and also her son. You know, she was telling the story, the whole background that she saved her adopted son from a boiling pot when he was eight years old.”

Dave – “Wow.”

Aaron – “She came in the house just in time before his mama basically was going to kill him. And they treated her so bad, so she just wanted to get rid of the property. So I said, ‘Okay how much you want for it?’ She said, ‘It don’t even matter.’ Because she felt like she was going to pass away. And I say ‘You know, Shirley, I can give you $50,000 for it. It’s a framed property. I’ll give you $50,000 for it.’ And she said, “Sammy is in a house though. He doesn’t want to let nobody in the house.’ I said, ‘Don’t worry about it, I’ll work that out.’

You know so I knocked on the door. I talked to him, and I would talk to him about respect towards his mother actually and I went in there talked to him about respect and how we got to respect our parents. You know they done a lot for us. I talked to him and I said, ‘Listen I want to come to you because I’m buying this property and I don’t want to just put you out without you knowing.’ So I said ‘Look, I tell you what, you find a place and I give you about $300 or $400 and where you can you know move on.’ And he said, ‘Cool.’ So he let me take pictures and everything which they were going to knock it down because it was a frame problem. I knew all that already. I knew the market was good. So I knew the buyer was going to knock it down in the deal because it was duplex only. You got to cooperate so we can close on the deal and that’s how I came about the deal.”

Dave – “I’ll tell you, you said something important about you still talk to the sellers, so you form a relationship with them. This isn’t you rush in, steal it from them, all that kind of stuff. You help them. That’s what you are there for. That’s why they work with you. Very nice.”

Aaron – “I can call Shirley right now, and she’d say, ‘Hey Aaron.’ She called me her son you know – everybody from Lynn Wood to everybody. You know, so I stay in contact with them.”

Dave – “Okay now so you made $57,000 you said on that?”

Aaron – “I got for $50,000 and sold it at $110,000. I walked away with $57,000.

Dave – “Alright great. Now the other reason is I wanted to do this video was when you called me about that deal you said something to me that I’m going to say startled me. And you said to me that when you came into the program that you sold your house to raise the money.

Aaron – “Exactly.”

Dave – “And I didn’t hear that before. And I said to you that had you told me that at the time I would have said no because I love commitment, but I don’t want to see you homeless if you don’t do it. But what you showed me is beyond commitment. You’ve done it and over and over. You persisted in the face a lot of stuff I’m going to say because I hear it from you every once in a while, but you did a magnificent thing. You know, you took upon yourself to not have, I’m going to say exit B. You went at it full force. Before you came into the program had you tried to do any deals? Had you looked at any YouTube videos or anything like that?”

Aaron – “Sandra Edmund. I’d seen a video of her, and she was talking about tax deeds and taxes and it was like $1300. So I paid for a little course and went up there for two days. But the thing was I was naïve to know how to work the computer. I didn’t know anything but all I had was faith. So she taught about the surpluses but I’m like how you know but that was in Orange County, and I didn’t know how to do it in Florida, and the way she explained that every county has its own terminology and certain documents. So I’m like, I can’t figure it out. So what I did, I was just playing on the computer, you know just trying to figure stuff out, being determined, I came across on the real TDM on Miami-Dade and you know he shows those investors that really did the surplus and the documents and stuff. So I said okay, I can copycat. So I did that right and I contacted one person, but the thing is I did not do the lien search. So this person I thought I had somebody you know I thought I’d get some money out of but guess what, they had liens but I didn’t know. So you know I have to find something else. So I’d seen an 11-year-old boy on YouTube and he said he had his father working for him. He does no money down deals. Now he was 11 years old. And I said if he is 11 years old, I know I can do this. So I started looking into it, but I say I need a mentor.

Because at the time I was running around knocking on doors and this investor acted like he was for me but come to realize now that I know how to go behind the deals and stuff, he was stealing deals from me. So I say you know what I needed a mentor you know so I was searching on YouTube with a guy named Joe Crump in Indiana. He was talking about, you know, no money down deals – you know things like this. And I came across your video and it showed 305 in the background and you were interviewing John Aaron. I played the video over and over, looking in John Aaron’s eyes to see was it real. Matter of fact I got a text right now. I got a text on Instagram to John Aaron – ‘Is this really real?’ Because I know I wanted to sell my house and it is all the money I had to find out something that was real, but I didn’t get no feedback because I guess you know you’re busy. I’m pretty sure a lot of people reach out to him a lot. So I said you know what, I am just going to go with my conscious and I went with it and that’s how I came across you.”

Dave – “That was a big leap of faith and I give you credit for it. If you had something to say to people who are thinking about becoming investors, what would you say? You’re kind of an experienced guy now. You’ve been in two years, right?”

Aaron – “Three years now actually. Actually the first year, that first year, I went a whole year and I didn’t get a deal. That’s when I was running around with my head cut off like a chicken. Just running around. Remember the investor was stealing the deal behind my back.”

Dave – “Ah, so you were working for the other guy as an apprentice or a trainee? Yeah, you got to be careful. What I see sometimes is guys will get deals and then the mentor will come to me to do transactional funding. And what they do is one deal A to B and B to C. Let’s say there’s a $5,000 profit. They split that with you – $2,500 each. But then he does the C to D closing the same day or next day for $40,000 profit which he keeps himself. So you got to be careful. And you can check on that by looking in the public record to see what happened.”

Aaron – “Yeah, so that’s how I came about. But I would advise anyone, you know, you got to have faith. Everything is life is consistent with laws. We got the law of gravity you know, and you got a law of faith and law of physics. Let’s compare the law of gravity with the law of faith. If I’m on the roof if I jump down, I’m going to fall. I’m not going to turn into a black Superman. I’m going to fall, right? I’m going to fall. It’s the same with faith. If you believe something without a doubt, without a doubt, it’s going to work. It’s a law.”

Dave – “You got to do the work.”

Aaron – “Yeah, you got to do the work.”

Dave – “You got to do the work. A lot of people want to believe. They think they believe, but they don’t take the giant step of just doing the small steps of work.”

Aaron – “Exactly that’s why faith without works is dead. See because when you truly believe something, you are going to work towards it. It’s like if a person really wants to be a doctor. He wants to be a surgeon, you know, with the brain, or whatever he wants to be. He’s got go to college. He’s got to read these books. He got to do it because he truly believes it. So if one says he believes out of his mouth, his heart knows. See this law, know if you break it, this law of faith, if you break it, see because it’s in your heart. If you truly believe it, you got to work towards it. It’s by nature you are going to work towards it because you know this is what you want to do, this is what you believe and that’s how it goes.”

Dave – “I want to say thank you. Any other last comments or are we good?”

Aaron – “That’s pretty much it. But like I said I knew I needed someone. I needed help. I needed someone who had more wisdom than me, someone who had experience. So I seek for that and I watched that video playing it over and over again, looking you in your eye, looking John Aaron in his eye. I didn’t see no nothing, no script, no nothing. So I say this is real, this is real. You know so I advise anyone to get a mentor so it can save you the mistakes. You always have somebody you can call and say, ‘Hey look, here’s what you do.’ It’s a wise investment, best decision to make.”

Dave – “Mistakes can be a very expensive education to say the least.”

Aaron – “Yeah.”

Dave – “Aaron, thank you very much and I look forward to your next phone call.”

Aaron – “Ok, sounds good, probably be at the end of this one.”

Dave – “Thanks again.”

Aaron – “Alright, take care. You have a good one.”


If you’d like more information about my mentor program, please click here

For more information on transactional funding, please click here

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“A good coach can change a game, a great coach can change a life.” – John Wooden