Not all real estate mentoring programs are the same, but when your former students become real estate mentors you know the program works.
What is the success secret of a real estate mentoring program?
Frankly, I struggle with this question regularly and I see most real estate mentoring program coaches are always trying to pinpoint this elusive trait in all their students or clients. It’s easy to say that if you do “X” you’ll get the “Y” result consistently, but people are very different emotionally and are not always easily predictable.
While we have what has been called America’s Most Successful Real Estate Mentoring Program, I am always striving for a 100% success rate for our Students. This may not be achievable but I am drawing closer and closer to it all the time. What I have been doing differently each new class is to look back on the previous classes and our daily experiences to find solutions to problems that the new Students will encounter – before these slap them in the face. Working for over 40 years in one of the toughest real estate markets of Dade and Broward County Florida is why we have to make sure our real estate mentoring students know what they are doing.
This past weekend we had our latest class and one thing we did was ask every Student, either new or retakes, what was their greatest fear. Each one took his/her time to talk about what has been holding them back or completely stopping them. Most of the fears they expressed are covered by the step-by-step processes of the real estate mentoring program materials. The fears that are most difficult to resolve and seriously debilitating are the emotional blocks of “What if something happens?” Often the student is not even sure of “what the specific really is!” We keep refining our systems for our students and this is why we are now labeled as the “most successful real estate mentoring program in the United States”.
Every day each and every student goes about his daily life facing problems that are often nearly insurmountable, yet these problems get resolved. I used an example of driving a car and never reading the Owner’s Manual. Driving a car requires many more decisions that are all different than does real estate investing. Am I saying that driving is harder than investing? Figuratively speaking, the simple answer is “yes.”
How then do people get into a car and make hundreds of life-changing decisions every day, but they are not afraid to drive? It’s because they started out taking charge and learning to drive – without reading the Owner’s Manual which has nothing to do with how to drive! Anyone who drives has had to learn the single most important trait that successful mentoring students have had to develop. This trait has been honed by practice and failing forward because the driver (student) had to make driving (investing) work for them.
The one consistent trait that our most successful real estate mentoring students seem to all have in common is resourcefulness. This simply means that when confronted with a dilemma, the student takes action to resolve the situation. Whether his solution is good, bad or plain ugly, it is a learning experience. The less successful real estate mentoring students seem to get stuck and are afraid of trying to do anything themselves for fear of failure – or as one student expressed it in the last class, his fear of success.
We have to accept failure as a natural part of our life cycle and, frankly, embrace it as usual and normal. This doesn’t mean that you’ll be happy because it happens, in fact you should learn from it and do better in the future. Whatever you decide to do in life, you’ll attack adversity and to be truly successful, you’ll have to make decisions (be resourceful) to survive. We know what it takes to become a successful real estate mentoring program student, so why not you?
If you want to fulfill all your dreams, you’ll eventually have to become resourceful enough to solve problems – even if the solutions aren’t perfect or what you want or expected at any given time. We are all blessed with the same amount of time and using that appropriately is the key to ultimate happiness. Learn from your failures, always move forward and practice being resourceful so you can achieve your personal greatness – we all have it in us!

To your limitless success,
Dave Dinkel
Real Estate Mentoring Program Founder